Bob Cupp’s world-renowned masterpiece...
This is how many have described the layout of Beacon Hall with its distinctively different front and back nines.
It is a unique and memorable golf course, respected and admired by all who have played it. Since inception, we have always ranked in Canada’s top 10. In 2009 rated 19th in the world outside of United States, and currently rank #3 in Canada by U.S. magazine Golfweek for courses built after 1960.
The Front Nine opens through magnificent stands of pines giving it the feel of the great courses of the Carolinas and Georgia.
The Back Nine immediately takes you to Scotland; fescue, waste bunkers, and two of the finest Par 5’s in Canada.
It is a course that is uniquely challenging and truly beautiful to behold. Yet it is comfortable to play and enjoyable at all levels of ability. Take the hole-by-hole tour and watch Bob Week’s video.